You may be wondering what that means but by logic you understood that it says "hello, friends" and if you did not have logic then now you know. You laughed, I know. Well, my name is Joannielee Maldonado and I am a Puerto Rican living in Germany. I know that you opened this just to find out what crazy idea I came up with now. So let me tell you that this is my first blog in which I intend to transfer my experiences, adventures, knowledge, but above all my learning during my stay in the European continent. I've only been here a month and I already have so much to tell that you won't even imagine so… let's go: "One Mile At A Time". I hope my blog: Onewayticket serves as entertainment and learning. And if you like it, don't hesitate to share with your freunde [pron. frende] and comment.
I arrived to Germany on a Sunday and you know what that means? THAT EVERYTHING IS CLOSED! Except McDonald's, of course. So you know where my first breakfast was at. What a thrill (total sarcasm). I ordered food in the Orderbots or order machines (I attached an image below in case you don't know what it is) to avoid ordering something wrong due to the language barrier. Thank God I'm not picky because imagine someone ordering in German: "let me get a chicken burger without ranch sauce but put it to the side, oh and no tomato please. And before I forget, can you put cheese on it? Thank you." Come on, no. At least I just have to learn the numbers. "Can I have meal number 3?" What a relief.
Well, freunde. So far my first blog; I hope you enjoyed it. I am open to recommendations and topics. Tschüss! [pron. chus, meaning: goodbye]